
    Shark Bites May 27

    Hello Shadow Cliff Sharks,

    No practice today, as we pay our respects to those that while serving our country gave their lives for us.

    This is our last week of AFTERNOON practice! Next Monday, June 3rd we will begin morning practice. Please see the practice schedule that is included in this email to find your swimmer’s correct time. This email has A LOT of IMPORTANT information so please read through this email and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

    FIRST SWIM MEET OF THE SEASON- Saturday, June 1st- Home Meet vs. Hollywood Park- I will send out information specific to the swim meet on Wednesday evening, but mark your calendars for the following times. Since our swim meet begins at 8am, swimmers are expected at the pool at 6:30am, as warm-up begins at 6:45am. I know it’s an early start, but we hope to be completely done by 12pm. Not sure if you’ve felt the heat outside during the day, but it’s not enjoyable.

    DECLARE FOR SWIM MEETS There are 36 swimmers who have NOT declared whether they will be swimming on Saturday or not. I need you to do this no later than Tuesday, May 28th!!!!! We will close entries after that. Since this is the first meet, I will begin emailing and then calling parents who have not done so. If you have to leave early or arrive late or want to correspond information to the coaches, there is a box when you sign up for the meet that says: NOTES FOR COACH. If you have any questions about this, PLEASE reach out to me!

    And if you know your schedule for the summer, feel free to declare for every meet now. You can always go back and change it if your swimmer can no longer attend a meet. Also, although your swimmer has to be selected to swim at CHAMPS, please let us know if they are available. Things come up, and sometimes a person may not be able to swim at Champs, and we look to see who is available.

    SIGN-UP FOR JOBS- Please sign up to bring a donation, and/or sign up for a job at the swim meet. There are still some food items we are in need of, AND we have NO ONE signed up to work the CONCESSION STAND OR READY BENCH for the 2nd half of the meet. We are also in need of MORE TIMERS for the 2nd half. We simply can’t run the swim meet without volunteers in these areas. If you have ANY questions about what each job entails, please feel free to reach out and ask me or any of the swim team volunteers!

    Repeated info- see the attached document “MEETS & EVENTS SIGN UP” for information on how to sign up! Still need help, email me at [email protected]

    USA SWIMMING ID- We have 5 swimmers who do not have a middle initial/name for their child on our roster. WE NEED THIS! Please fill this form out if your swimmer doesn’t have their middle initial/name on our database! SHADOW CLIFF SWIMMER VERIFICATION

    TEAM SHIRTS ARE IN!!!- T-shirts are ready for pickup at the pool on Tuesday during ALL practices. Parents, please swing by and grab them. We wear the team shirts to every meet!

    WATER- PLEASE send your swimmer to practice with a water bottle!!! It is so important for them to stay hydrated!!!

    Thank you for reading this all the way through. Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be seeing you at the pool!


    Angie Cox

    Shadow Cliff Swim Team President


    [email protected]



    • Tuesday, May 28th- Last Day to declare for HP swim meet
    • Thursday, May 30th- Last Day of Afterschool Practice
    • Saturday, June 1st- Home Swim Meet vs. Hollywood Park
    • Monday, June 3rd- First Day of Morning Practice
    • Thursday, June 6th- No Team Practice, Josh Davis Clinic for registered participants


    Monday-Thursdays (4 days a week)

    • 4:30-5:00pm 6 & under
    • 4:30-5:15pm 7&8
    • 5:15-6:00pm 9/10
    • 6:00-6:45pm 11/12/13
    • 6:45-7:45pm 14 & up

    SUMMER PRACTICE TIMES - Beginning Mon., June 3rd

    Monday thru Friday (5 days a week)

    • 8:00-9:00am 9/10
    • 9:00-9:45am 8 & under
    • 9:45-10:45am 11/12/13
    • 10:45-12:00 14 & up


    SWIM MEET SCHEDULE- (All 8am start times except Champs)

    • Sat, June 1st - Home Meet vs. Hollywood Park
    • Sat, June 8th - Away Meet @Hidden Forest
    • Sat, June 15th - Away Meet @Summerfield
    • Sat, June 22nd - Home Meet vs. Rogers Ranch
    • Sat., June 29th - Champs Meet @Josh Davis Natatorium (your swimmer must qualify for this meet)

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