
    Happy Mother's Day Shark Bites May 12

    Greetings Shadow Cliff Sharks,

    Happy Mother’s Day to all our Shark Mommies! We have some important events happening this week, so please read through the entire email.

    This is the 1st week of practice for our 5-6 year olds. Tomorrow we will have a check in table for your swimmer where they will receive their Shark swim cap and then another check-in at the entrance to the pool. Parents, please read over our practice protocol and share it with whomever brings your swimmer to practice.

    PRACTICE PROTOCOL- Just a reminder that during practices, only swimmers, coaches, and our swim team volunteers will be allowed inside the pool gate. We want to encourage kids to look to their coaches when they have questions or concerns. Parents will drop off swimmers at the front gate for practice, and pick up swimmers at the back gate. Restrooms will be open and available to all (swimmers and parents, etc), but for viewing, please bring a camping chair to sit outside the gate if you choose to stay during practice. If your swimmer needs help with their caps or goggles, or needs to apply sunscreen, please do so before you send them through the gate. 

    WEATHER- Practice is on as usual this week. If we cancel practice for rain/bad weather, you will be notified through SwimTopia, and usually not until 3:00pm. Please make sure you are subscribed to receive notifications!

    WILLIE’S NIGHT- This Weds, May 15th is our Spirit Night at Willie’s. Don’t forget to mention you are supporting Shadow Cliff Swim Team. See the attached flier for details and please share it on social media!

    MEETS & EVENTS SIGN UP- see attached document for information about the Swim Team Kick-Off Party AND Declaring for Swim Meets. Use this link to sign up for swim meets and swim team events. https://www.shadowcliffsharks.com/swim_meets

    SWIM TEAM KICK-OFF PARTY- This Friday, May 17th will be our Swim Team Kick-Off Party at the pool. All swimmers and their families are invited to attend (you do not need to be a member of the pool!) PLEASE RSVP whether your family will be attending, and sign up to bring an item for the potluck. Each person WHO HAS RSVP’D will receive a ticket for 1 hot dog from the grill. Swim Team will provide water and lemonade, and of course we will have food from our Pot Luck sign up to share as well. Other food and drinks may be purchased at the grill. 

    DECLARE FOR SWIM MEETS- All swim meets are now open to declare whether your swimmer will be swimming or not. PLEASE let us know if your swimmer will be attending a meet, as this information is needed to plan what events they will be participating in. If you know your schedule for the summer, feel free to declare for every meet now. You can always go back and change it if you need. We will close the meet entries on the Monday before the swim meet at midnight. We can’t make changes after that.



    • Monday, May 13th-First Day of Practice for all 5/6 year olds
    • Wednesday, May 15th- Willie’s Spirit Night
    • Friday, May 17th- Swim Team Kick Off Party
    • Monday, May 27th- Memorial Day- NO PRACTICE
    • Tuesday, May 28th- Last Day to declare for HP swim meet
    • Thursday, May 30th- Last Day of Afterschool Practice
    • Saturday, June 1st- Home Swim Meet vs. Hollywood Park
    • Monday, June 3rd- First Day of Morning Practice
    • Thursday, June 6th- No Team Practice, Josh Davis Clinic for registered participants

    PRACTICE SCHEDULE- After School- Monday-Thursdays (4 days a week)

    • 4:30-5:00pm 6 & under (Begins on May 13th)
    • 4:30-5:15pm 7&8
    • 5:15-6:00pm 9/10
    • 6:00-6:45pm 11/12/13
    • 6:45-7:45pm 14 & up

    SWIM MEET SCHEDULE- (All 8am start times except Champs)

    • Sat, June 1st - Home Meet vs. Hollywood Park
    • Sat, June 8th - Away Meet @Hidden Forest
    • Sat, June 15th - Away Meet @Summerfield
    • Sat, June 22nd - Home Meet vs. Rogers Ranch
    • Sat., June 29th - Champs Meet @Josh Davis Natatorium (your swimmer must qualify for this meet)

    DROP OFF AND PICK UP- When dropping off your swimmer, PLEASE DO NOT PULL INTO THE SMALL PARKING LOT. Please continue to drive to the cul-de-sac and turn around to drop off kids at the pool. It is so unsafe to have them exit your car on the opposite side of the pool and cross the street. If the person driving your kiddos to practice is not receiving this email, please pass the information on to them.


    Many parents have reached out asking for private lessons for their swimmer so I’m attaching a document with the names and contact info for all our assistant and junior coaches that are doing private instruction this summer. Please feel free to reach out to them if you are looking for individualized or specific instruction, and/or if you’d like more information. Some of them are doing learn to swim lessons as well. And Coach Riley runs Shadow Cliff’s official group lessons (learn to swim). Their fliers with more information will be posted at the pool.

    Thank you for reading this all the way through. Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be seeing you at the pool!


    Angie Cox

    Shadow Cliff Swim Team President


    [email protected]

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